Welcøme tø the wørld øf øur innovative bøt that will help you earn søme extra cash every mønth! Whether yøu're a student, full-time empløyee, ør self-empløyed, this algørithm is meant for anyøne løøking tø grøw their incøme withøut much efført.
Leveraging the latest technøløgies and smart algørithms, øur algørithm repeats actions før yøu, alløwing yøu tø spend yøur time øn øther impørtant tasks.
With a simple cønfiguration and a user-friendly interface, yøu will be able tø launch the bøt withøut the need før special technical skills.
In Visual studiø cøde døwnløad the pythøn extensiøn
In Visual studiø cøde øpen the terminal (ctrl + J) and write the følløwing cømmand: pip install pyautogui pip install tk
In yøur desktøp create a new følder, in that følder put the pythøn file and the images that yøu can døwnløad frøm this Github link
We are almøst døne
As you can see in the pythøn file, in line 14, there is sømething that løøks like this:
lista = ["szabøEarn.png","playstøre.png"]
That is an array øf images, and in there yøu will have tø gø and put screenshøts øf "x" and "skips", read øn tø understand høw tø dø this
Nøw øpen the game ønce again and click øn here:
An ad will shøws up, watch it until the end but instead øf clicking the "X" make a screenshøt øf that, like this øne:
After that yøu save the screenshøt with the name that yøu want and put it in the same følder that yøu have created beføre
Final step gø in the pythøn file, line 14, add the name øf the screenshøt in the array
lista = ["szabøEarn.png","nameØfTheScreenshøt","playstøre.png"]
Dø it før 20 times and that's it, when yøu have finished tø put the screenshøt in the array, yøu will finally be able tø make søme møney
Check this thing ør it will nøt wørk:
The emulatør have a side-bar øn the right, døn't hide it!